Meet our first speakers for WCEF2023!
During the Forum, we will have the pleasure of getting the visions, experience and high-level knowledge of forward-looking thinkers and doers in the circular economy.

Hosted in Messukeskus, Helsinki, the World Circular Economy Forum 2023 will feature more than 100 Nordic and global leaders to drive ambitious action to accelerate the circular economy transition and to promote circular solutions for nature and the economy.
Alongside many other top-notch speakers, we are honoured to welcome:
- Carmen Ene, CEO, 3StepIT
- Ambroise Fayolle, Vice President, European Investment Bank
- Tim Forslund, Specialist, Sitra
- Roberto Franchitti, Executive Vice President, Tetra Pak
- Ilkka Hämälä, CEO, Metsä Group
- Paula Laine, CEO, The Finnish Climate Fund
- Hildre Røed, Senior Vice President Sustainability, Equinor
- Helen Temple, CEO, The Biodiversity Consultancy (SBTN)
- Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice-President, European Commission
These speakers will help us create a wider understanding on how the circular economy allows us to tackle some of the complex root causes of resource overconsumption, pollution, climate change and biodiversity loss all at once.
Have a closer look and get to know each of the speakers here.(open in new window)
All speakers will be updated in the next weeks, so stay tuned. Register now and be part of creating the momentum for a nature-positive future!
Register here for online participation.(open in new window)